Two Years and Counting.

Two years ago today, we shoved ourselves away from the marina in Florida with more anxiety than sailing experience but with more determination than doubt. We had no expectations, didn’t even know if sailing would be for us but we took a deep breath and untied the lines.

BEFORE: In this picture, we just said see ya later to our friends. Behind these smiles we were nervous as hell. We were unsure if we just made the biggest mistake of our lives or if the best of our lives was yet to come!
NOW: 100% certain we made the BEST decision!

Our destination and first stop was known – the Berry Islands, Bahamas – but our length of trip, return date, and end point was unknown. If you had asked us 2 years ago where we thought we would be today, we would have been 100% wrong. Even with big hopes and dreams the thought of sailing to Panama seemed so out of reach. At that point in our journey we were literally just trying to survive out here.

The adjustment from a stable, comfortable land life into a vulnerable, salty life on the sea definitely has not been an easy one. In fact living full time on a boat is really hard, it is uncomfortable and some days you question your sanity. But the experiences, the places, the people and the world we get to see by traveling on a boat, well, that is what has forever captured us and makes all the struggles worth the fight. Through every experience – the highs and the lows – we have learned so much about ourselves and each other. We have been through times of darkness and times of uncertainty, but with each low the universe offsets it with an euphoric high so we power through stronger than before as our own little team of two.

This lifestyle has certainly pushed us outside our comfort zone, it has softened our assumptions, and has helped us embrace the great unknown. Our understanding of the world has forever changed along with our perspective on many things in life. While we sit here today reflecting back on the last two years, we can not say the journey has been easy but we can certainly say the destination has been worth it. And while the future of our voyage is still unknown, one thing we know for sure is, we only have ONE LIFE and we’re going to LIVE it. 

15 thoughts on “Two Years and Counting.”

  1. Happy versery! You both look so happy! I love watching your videos and hearing about you adventures. You both have done amazing things and should be very proud of yourselves as I am. Love you both and cheers to more years on the salty seas!

  2. Hear, hear!!! You two are absolutely amazing humans, and I’m elated and proud that call you friends, buddy boat, hell.. you are considered family! Watching your growth, passion, and joy is remarkable. Can’t wait to meet up again. Love you both… YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I am so proud of all you have accomplished. Your perseverance is to be admired. When you first told me of this life plan, I was terrified. I feared for your safety and selfishly I feared I would miss you too much. I am thankful for the way you have kept in touch with us every step of the way and of course the wonderful videos that let us see a little bit of your extraordinary life. May you always have safe sailing as you live out your dream
    Love you so much❤️

  4. Jesus David botto mendoza

    Every decision in our lives will make us a way in a future. You made yours, and it doesn’t has price. Happiness is something you get by choosing. Was a pleasure to find awesome people like you. Thank you 4 sharing. It made me think about things I feel scare but those thing could be make me happy like you. Love you so much guys. 💗

  5. Holly and Dan on SV Sandpiper

    We have learned so much from you through this journey- the highs and lows- and most of all how you embrace the people you meet with such love. That, for me, will be the best part of our journey and through you I’m learning how to cast away my fears and get ready to live this one life with joy! Thanks for sharing it all with us- we can imagine the work that requires- and hope to see you on the water someday!

  6. Hello, I fell onto your site as I was browsing to learn more of the Caribbean islands. I didn’t expect to sail away with you on your adventures. What wonderful tales to share with you kids and grandkids in the future.
    So inspirational as you continue to live out the dreams of your ONE LIFE. Thank you 😊

  7. I just found out about your venture yesterday when surfing You Tube.. My dreams are your reality. Glad you made it safely to Mexico.. Loved that Bull Mahi .. Living in Canada but spent lots of time in Florida Mahi is my choice over Grouper.. Will start reading from your first posting forward to review #81 again….. Stay safe and hope all goes to your liking with the vessel repairs necessary..

  8. Hello guys hope you are well and have loved your adventures and yes it is only a dream for most people I was just wondering where you are now as haven’t seen a new episode for a while?

    1. Hi Laura! Yes swell bridles are a great way to deal with the roll when there is wind. We spent most of our 2 months in Statia with a stern anchor out actually. In our video where we leave first thing in the morning in Costa Rica, there was zero wind and the swells were sloshing in from multiple directions, not much a stern anchor or swell bridle could have done. Cheers! Hope to share a not rolly anchorage with you someday!

  9. Did you stop filming? I watched all your videos up to 98 but cannot find any of your 2023 episodes. Did you splash one life in Mexico or are you still on the hard? We love your site and hope all is well.

  10. is there any.way that you could post a.PDF detailing your recurring expenses that most everyone would expect to have every month based on the specific categories you mentioned.. also it would be helpful to outline the non-recurring expenses that happen that aren’t really anticipated that might come up occasionally or from time to time..
    what I’m personally interested in are those maintenance issues that occur like with things breaking or wearing out that maybe someone doesn’t think about ’til they happen and you’re in a place where you’ve hopefully already got spare parts to fix something with..


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